Theory Test Questions

1 ) What is the shortest overall stopping distance on a dry road from 60 mph?

A)  53 metres (175 feet)
B)  58 metres (190 feet)
C)  73 metres (240 feet)
D) 96 metres (315 feet)

2 ) You are planning a long journey. Do you need to plan rest stops?

A) Yes, you should plan to stop every half an hour
B) Yes, regular stops help concentration
C) No, you will be less tired if you get there as soon as possible
D) No, only fuel stops will be needed

3 ) You are following a motorcyclist on an uneven road, You should?

A) Allow less room so you can be seen in their mirrors
B) Overtake immediately
C) Allow extra room in case they swerve to avoid pot holes
D) Allow the same room as normal because road surfaces do not affect motorcyclists

4 ) You are following two cyclists. They approach a roundabout in the left-hand lane. In which direction should you expect the cyclists to go?

A) Left
B) Right
C) Any direction
D) Straight ahead

5 ) You are travelling behind a moped. You want to turn left just ahead. You should?

A) Overtake the moped before the junction
B) Pull alongside the moped and stay level until just before the junction
C) Sound your horn as a warning and pull in front of the moped
D) Stay behind until the moped has passed the junction

6 ) You see a horse rider as you approach a roundabout. They are signalling right but keeping well to the left. You should?

A) Proceed as normal
B) Keep close to them
C) Cut in front of them
D) Stay well back

7 ) How would you react to drivers who appear to be inexperienced?

A) Sound your horn to warn them of your presence
B) Be patient and prepared for them to react more slowly
C) Flash your headlights to indicate that it is safe for them to proceed
D) Overtake them as soon as possible

8 ) You keep well back while waiting to overtake a large vehicle. A car fills the gap. You should?

A) Sound your horn
B) Drop back further
C) Flash your headlights
D) Start to overtake

9 ) You should always reduce your speed when travelling in fog because?

A) The brakes do not work as well
B) You could be dazzled by other people’s fog lights
C) The engine is colder
D) It is more difficult to see events ahead

10 ) You are joining a motorway. Why is it important to make full use of the slip road?

A) Because there is space available to turn around if you need to
B) To allow you direct access to the overtaking lanes
C) To build up a speed similar to traffic on the motorway
D) Because you can continue on the hard shoulder

11 ) How should you use the emergency telephone on a motorway?

A) Stay close to the carriageway
B) Face the oncoming traffic
C) Keep your back to the traffic
D) Stand on the hard shoulder

12 ) You are intending to turn right at a crossroads. An oncoming driver is also turning right. It will normally be safer to?

A) Keep the other vehicle to your RIGHT and turn behind it (offside to offside)
B) Keep the other vehicle to your LEFT and turn in front of it (nearside to nearside)
C) Carry on and turn at the next junction instead
D) Hold back and wait for other driver to turn first

13 )You are signalling to turn right in busy traffic. How would you confirm your intention safely?

A) Sound the horn
B) Give an arm signal
C) Flash your headlights
D) Position over the centre line

14 )You are on a country road. What should you expect to see coming towards you on YOUR side of the road?

A) Motorcycles
B) Bicycles
C) Pedestrians
D) Horse Riders

15 ) You are on a narrow road at night. A slower-moving vehicle ahead has been signalling right for some time, What should you do?

A) Overtake on the left
B) Flash your headlights before overtaking
C) Signal right and sound your horn
D) Wait for the signal to be cancelled before overtaking

16 ) You are turning left into a side road. Pedestrians are crossing the road near the junction. You must?

A) Wave them on
B) Sound your horn
C) Switch on your hazard lights
D) Wait for them to cross

17 ) A driver does something that upsets you. You should?

A) Try not to react
B) Let them know how you feel
C) Flash your headlights several times
D) Sound your horn

18 ) You are following a car driver by an elderly driver. You should?

A) Expect the driver to drive badly
B) Flash your lights and overtake
C) Be aware that the driver’s reactions may not be as fast as yours
D) Stay very close behind but be careful

19 ) You are following a cyclist. You wish to turn left just ahead. You should?

A) Overtake the cyclist before the junction
B) Pull alongside the cyclist and stay level until after the junction
C) Hold back until the cyclist has passed the junction
D) Go around the cyclist on the junctions

20 ) You have to make a journey in foggy conditions. You should?

A) Follow other vehicles tail lights closely
B) Avoid using dipped headlights
C) Leave plenty of time for your journey
D) Keep two seconds behind other vehicles

21 ) You are overtaking car at night. You must be sure that you?

A) Flash your headlights before overtaking
B) Select a higher gear
C) Have switched your lights to full beam before overtaking
D) Do not dazzle other road users

22 ) You see a vehicle coming towards you on a single-track road. You should?

A) Go back to the main road
B) Do an emergency stop
C) Stop at a passing place
D) Put on your hazard warning lights

23 ) On a three lane motorway which lane should you normally use?

A) Left
B) Right
C) Centre
D) Either the right or centre

24 ) A basic rule when on motorways is?

A) Use the lane that has least traffic
B) Keep to the left lane unless overtaking
C) Overtake on the side that is clearest
D) Try to keep above 50 mph to prevent congestion

25 ) When going through a contra flow system on a motorway you should?

A) Ensure that you do not exceed 30 mph
B) Keep a good distance from the vehicle ahead
C) Switch lanes to keep the traffic flowing
D) Stay close to the vehicle ahead to reduce queues